Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wednesday Wit

Overheard at a restaurant

Preteen boy: Would you eat shark?

Teen girl #1: No, I'm a vegetarian I don't want to hurt animals.

Teen girl #2: It's already dead it isn't like it will jump up and come back to life because you didn't order it for dinner.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Fearless by Max Lucado

"A father and his two small daughters are at play. He's in the water; they jump into his arms. Let me restate that: one jumps; the other ponders. The dry one gleefully watches her sister leap. She dances up and down as the other splashes. But when her dad invites her to do the same, she shakes her head and backs away.

A living parable! How many people spend life on the edge of the pool? Consulting caution. Ignoring faith. Never taking the plunge. Happy to experience life vicariously through others. Preferring to take no risk rather than any risk. For fear of the worst, they never enjoy life at its best.

By contrast, their sister jumps. Not with foolish abandon, but with belief in the goodness of a father's heart and trust in a father's arms. Such was the choice of Jesus. He did more than speak about fear. He faced it."
(Max Lucado, Fearless, pg. 81)

Max Lucado's understanding of the gospel of Christ, and his ability to make it relevant to our lives never ceases to amaze me. In "Fearless" Lucado is able to preach without leaving the reader feeling "preached to." Lucado mixes scripture references with his own thoughts and experiences, helping the reader to better understand how Christ's teaching apply to us.

"Fearless" teaches the reader how to let go of the things we can't control, and give our fears to God. There are rational fears that we will experience, but when we let our fears overtake our faith, we do ourselves a disservice. Lucado uses parables to teach, following the example of our Savior.

Max Lucado asks us to imagine our lives without fear, and then explains how that is possible. I am giving "Fearless" 5 stars, because it left me feeling inspired, uplifted, and hopeful. It helps me to remember that God loves us and will not abandon His children.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesday Wit

3 year old: "Knock knock"
Mom: "Who's there?"
3 year old: "Toy store."
Mom: "Toy store who?"
3 year old (thinking really hard): "Oh forget it."
Mom: "That's your joke?"
3 year old: "I was trying to trick you."
Mom: "Into what?"
3 year old: "Buying me a Happy Meal."

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday Wit

Overheard at the library...
Little boy (in loud voice ) "Mom, if they want us to be quiet, why do they make the books so GOOD?!?"

Friday, July 9, 2010

I will remember "Remember Me"

It's been a long time since a movie has left me breathless. This movie did. Tyler (Robert Pattison) is reeling from a tragedy that has strained his already dysfunctional family. Though he is not looking for love, he meets Ally (Emilie de Ravin) who is still dealing with a tragedy of her own. Their relationship grows into love, though neither of them meant for it to. There is an amazing twist that literally took my breath away. It is a real look at the complexity of human relationships that made me want to immediately call those I love and tell them. This movie earns it's PG13 rating, and I would even think twice about letting a 13 year old watch it. It is not overly sexual or graphic, but deals with adult emotions. Go out and rent it won't be sorry.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wednesday Wit

My 3 year old son and his daddy were changing in the locker room of our community pool, when my son asked "I have a wiener?" Daddy said "yes, you do."
Son asked "Daddy has a wiener?" Daddy said "yes, I do."
Son asked "Mommy has a wiener?" Daddy said "no, she doesn't."
Son got all indignant and yelled "Yes she does! MY MOMMY HAS A WIENER!"
Which all of us sitting outside in the waiting room could hear.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Way cute!

Need an "I'm the big brother/sister" shirt? Want cute matching shirts for family pictures? Check out the "Pecking order" shirts from Zoey's personalized gifts here . I bought one for my son to wear when his baby sister was born, and it was so cute I had to get her one too! You can choose from a variety of sayings such as "big sister," "littlest brother," etc. The birds come in different colors and are arranged accordingly on the shirts. (If it says Big brother, the blue bird will be first and biggest, if it says Little sister, the pink will be first and small, etc.) You can personalize them with the child's name or whatever you want, and they are seriously the cutest things my kids have ever worn!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Yummy new snack

We just tried Funky monkey fruit snacks and they are fabulous! They are crunchy and airy, not at all greasy. They are 100% organic fruit that is freeze dried, which leaves it a wonderfully crunchy texture. They are raw, vegan, gluten free, and kosher, so pretty much everyone can enjoy them. There are lots of flavors, though I must say our favorite was pineapple lime. Check 'em out on line at or in your grocery store.